50¢ Sheet Stamp - Most On Cover
Currently, the largest known number of the 50¢ sheet stamp on cover, parcel piece, or tag is: 103.
Description: Airmail cover from Guam to Hawaii containing 103 copies of the 50-cent sheet stamp and a single copy of the 10-cent map airmail stamp paying the $51.60 rate for a cover weighing 8 pounds and 1 ounce (258*20). This rate was in effect from April 21, 1937 until December 7, 1941.
Owner/Source: Mike Ley

Currently, the second largest known number of the 50¢ sheet stamp on cover, parcel piece, or tag is: 28.
Description: Airmail package wrapper sent on July 12, 1945 from Chicago, Illinois to San Francisco, California containing 28 of the 50¢ Prexie and a single 8¢ Prexie.
Owner/Source: From Leonard Piszkiewicz article in Winter 2007 edition of the Prexie Era.