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12¢ Sheet Stamp Paying Double the UPU Surface Rate
There was a double UPU surface rate of 8¢ for the first ounce and 4¢ for the second ounce in effect from November 1, 1953 through July 31, 1952. Currently, the number of solo uses of the 12¢ sheet stamp paying the double UPU surface rate is: 1.
Description: Censored airmail cover date June 13, 1943, with a solo 12¢ Prexie, mailed from the Pan American Airways office in New Orleans, Louisiana to Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Owner/Source: Lot number 1396 in Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions Catalog for Sale No. 92 with items from Robert Schlesinger's Prexie Postal History Exhibit. This lot realized $200.

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