U.S. Scott 332, the 2 cent value picturing George Washington from the Washington-Franklin issues paying the 2 cent first-class rate, on a two-sided advertising cover for W. F. McLaughlin & Co. in Chicago, Illinois. The cover was mailed from Chicago on June 15, 1910, and received in Steubenville, Ohio on June 16th. The cover has a multi-colored ad for McLaughlin's Coffee on the front and the reverse has the company name a large bold print and the statement that they are "THE LARGEST ROASTERS in the WORLD of FINE COFFEES". There is also a Steubenville receiving backstamp on the reverse.
U.S. Scott 332 on 1910 2-Sided Ad Cover for McLaughlin Coffee Company
Returns accepted for up to 30 days from the date of mailing, for any reason, as long as the item is returned in the same condition that it was sent.